Arama Kriteri
Arama kriterlerine uygun ürünler
Stok Kodu: DRP41
ÜRÜN ÖZELLİKLERİStandart SC konnektörleri ile uyumluSaha Yüklenebilir, uygun maliyetli, kullanıcı dostuPC, APC opsiyonel parlatmaElektrik gerekli değildirFTTH kablosu, fiber optik kablo isteğe bağlıGüvenilir dayanıklı ve üstün optik performansDüşük ekleme kaybı ve yüksek geri dönüş kaybıStabil özell..
144,01 TL
Vergiler Hariç:120,01 TL
Stok Kodu: DRP35
Ürün Özellikleri ↵DROPSAN provides the broadest choce of patchcords including SC, LC, FC, ST, E2000, MTRJ with Ultra-Polished (UPC), Angle-Polished (APC) or other polish requirement.Applications include CATV, Data Communications and telecommunications network, Fiber to the home, Video tra..
168,02 TL
Vergiler Hariç:140,01 TL
Stok Kodu: DRP36
Ürün Özellikleri ↵DROPSAN provides the broadest choce of patchcords including SC, LC, FC, ST, E2000, MTRJ with Ultra-Polished (UPC), Angle-Polished (APC) or other polish requirement.Applications include CATV, Data Communications and telecommunications network, Fiber to the home, Video tra..
192,02 TL
Vergiler Hariç:160,01 TL
Stok Kodu: DRP37
Ürün Özellikleri DRRDROPSANprovides the broadest choce of patchcords including SC, LC, FC, ST, E2000, MTRJ with Ultra-Polished (UPC), Angle-Polished (APC) or other polish requirement.Applications include CATV, Data Communications and telecommunications network, Fiber to the home, Video transmis..
216,02 TL
Vergiler Hariç:180,02 TL
Stok Kodu: DRP38
Ürün Özellikleri ↵DROPSAN provides the broadest choce of patchcords including SC, LC, FC, ST, E2000, MTRJ with Ultra-Polished (UPC), Angle-Polished (APC) or other polish requirement.Applications include CATV, Data Communications and telecommunications network, Fiber to the home, Video tra..
264,02 TL
Vergiler Hariç:220,02 TL
Stok Kodu: LTCİ5
5.760,53 TL
Vergiler Hariç:4.800,44 TL
Marka: Dropsan
Stok Kodu: 1012714
5651 LoglamaReklam SistemiFiltrelemeToplu Sms Sistemiİnternet Limitlendirme5 Farklı Yöntem ile Kullanıcı GirişiToplam ve Kullanıcı Bazlı Trafik RaporlamaKişileştirilmiş Karşılama EkranıAylık 2000 SMS..
1.056,10 TL
Vergiler Hariç:880,08 TL
Stok Kodu: DRP445
Low-cost passive PoE base unit for powering passive PoE devices over ethernet. Simply connect your power source to the
injector, and then use an ethernet cable to connect the injector to the RouterBOARD device. Helps reducing number of wires
that lead up the tower, and in other situations.
For us..
1.216,26 TL
Vergiler Hariç:1.013,55 TL